Featured Press


Meet Samantha Jacobson

shoutout houston

A conversation with the Voyage Houston’s Shoutout segment about contributions to my community, things I’ve learned in my career so far, and of course shouting out great friend & mentor, Haley Lebeuf.



Love that for you podcast

My journey as an artist ties strongly with my journey navigating my mental health. In this interview I go into detail about my time as a young designer in NYC, my transition to being an Austin studio artist and muralist, and how prioritizing my mental health shaped these experiences.


Q&A with Amli residential

After painting four murals at AMLI South Shore in Austin, TX in 2019, they sat down with me for an interview about my story, process, and creative ventures. Hand-painted murals are still hanging on despite modern technology!

The Path To Art

Almost Real Things’ Virtual Vacation

Take a trip down memory lane with me as I flip through my A.P. art sketchbook from high school then juxtapose it to my work today.


Austin creators making waves


Wescover featured the current 21 best creatives in Austin, highlighting my work as a witchy woman muralist with public art around town.


Top 10 Artists to watch

Almost real things

“A range of visual artists, all with their own unique style.” I am honored to have been shortlisted and chosen as the cover artist!

Creating joy during quarantine

TriBeZa summer 2020

Three Austin artists were featured for work created during the COVID-19 quarantine. Featuring my mural panels on 6th St. with HOPE Outdoor Gallery’s Hope for Health. Photos by Chelsa King.


Artist Spotlight

Almost Real Things Issue 17

See behind-the-scene artist studio photos and get a glimpse into my creative process in A.R.T.’s Issue 17 which focuses entirely on the path creatives take to get to their final visions. Process photos of my mixed media art piece Standing Out More are featured.